WordPress 2
I thought I’d upgrade this blog to WordPress 2, released a few days ago. You shouldn’t see any difference, unless it’s a bug or I’ve screwed something up.
There is a new WYSIWYG editor that is quite cool, but I probably won’t use it much as it doesn’t work in Safari. Here’s a screenshot of it in Firefox, click to see a full-size version:
Also cool is that you can rearrange those sections in the sidebar by dragging them around. I dragged the Categories section to the top, since I probably use that more than all the others.
I also like the new preview, which shows how the post will look on your blog. For some reason I only ever seemed to notice errors after posting before, maybe because the sans-serif font on the blog was easier to read than the serif font of the old preview.
This also makes it a good time to somewhat belately mention that if you fancy a WordPress blog, but don’t want to host it, you can get a free hosted WordPress blog at wordpress.com or check out the WordPress hosting page for other options.