Import & Export Bookmarks


Importing a Bookmarks HTML File

Keep It 1.11 and later for Mac and 2.1 and later for iPad and iPhone can import the standard bookmarks HTML files exported by web browsers, preserving folder structure and tags.

On Mac:

On iPad or iPhone:

Exporting a Bookmarks HTML File

Keep It 2.4 and later can export a standard bookmarks HTML file.

On Mac:

On iPad or iPhone:

Import Links from Web Page

This shortcut will import all links from an HTML file, which will work for importing from services such as Pocket that do not create standard bookmarks HTML files:

To use the shortcut:

Alternatively, if you are using a Mac that does not have the Shortcuts app, download this Automator workflow:

To use the workflow:

Import from Pinboard (Mac only)

Pinboard exports an XML file that includes links and tags. To import from this XML file, download the following AppleScript file:

To use the script:

The bookmarks will be added to a folder named “Pinboard Import”.