Mail Import Automator Workflow

This Automator workflow that will appear in the Services menu in Mail, and allow you to import multiple messages directly into Keep It.

NOTE: There is no version of the workflow that works on macOS 15.3 and later with a version of Keep It earlier than 2.5.8.

Installing the Workflow

Screenshot of Import Workflow

When the workflow is first run, you will see prompts to allow Mail to control System Events and the Finder. You should allow these things or the workflow will not work.

Using the Workflow

Once installed, to use the workflow:

Screenshot showing Mail's Services menu with Add Messages to Keep It highlighted

IMPORTANT: Make sure to use “Add Messages to Keep It”, not “Add to Keep It”, as shown above.

Setting a Shortcut Key

If you wish to set a shortcut key for the service:

Adding Tags and Choosing a Location

If you want to add tags or choose a location when importing:


To uninstall the workflow: