Feeder 1.1 – One Week On

It’s a week since the release of Feeder 1.1 and so far it’s been surprisingly quiet on the support front considering how many new features there are and how many other things had to change to make the new features possible. A small bug-fix release, 1.1.1 should be out next week – it makes sense to let things settle down before releasing that, since nothing in it is particularly earth-shattering – thankfully!

I want to write about some of the changes in 1.1 and there will be a series of posts on this subject. I’ve neglected the software development side of this blog for a while because it can be hard to talk about what you’re developing when you’re head’s well into it and you’re not entirely sure what will make the final cut.

Two things that didn’t make the final cut were AppleScript support and HTML export / publishing. I’d mentioned that these would likely be in 1.1, but I was working against a fixed deadline and had to do what needed to be done to meet it. It’s not that Feeder itself was running late but that other things got in the way, most notably Tiger, which devoured a lot of my time thanks to KIT not working with some of the final builds.

Anyway, I need to make a special mention for two very special people who ensured that 1.1 made it out in time and with all the features that it has – my best friends Claire and Ade. Without your help, Feeder 1.1 would probably still not be ready or even if I had released it, it would not have been anywhere near as good!. Also, I could not have managed to move home without you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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