Feeder 4.3

Feeder 4.3 is now available. This version adds support for Shortcuts in macOS 12 Monterey, and makes improvements for dealing with podcast artwork.
Feeder provides the following actions to the Shortcuts app on Monterey. Most of these actions have additional options that can be set by expanding them, and will return feeds and items whose properties can be used in other actions:
- Add New Item to Feed: Adds a new item to the specified feed with a title (required), and optional link, enclosure file (required for podcast and Sparkle feeds), Description, and any categories. Returns the new item.
- Export Feed: Export the XML from the specified feed as a file that can be saved with the Save File action or passed to another action.
- Find Feeds: Get feeds from feed by name, link, description, feed URL, folder or title, all of which are optional. Returns a list of matching feeds (or all feeds if no criteria specified).
- Find Items in Feed: Finds items in the specified feed by their title, link, unique ID, date, description, or enclosure URL, all of which are optional. Returns a list of matching items (or all items in the feed if no criteria specified).
- Publish Feed: Starts publishing a feed. To perform actions when a feed has finished publishing, set a script in the feed’s Publishing settings in the app itself.
- Reload Feed: Reload a feed from the web or a file.
- Remove Items From Feed: Removes the passed-in items (e.g. found with Find Items) from the feed that contains them.
- Set Properties on Feed Item: Use to set standard RSS, Dublin Core, Media RSS and WordPress tags on an item.
- Set Properties on Podcast Item: Set podcast-specific properties on an item in a podcast feed.
- Set Properties on Sparkle Item: Set Sparkle-specific properties on an item in an appcast feed.
Feeder will now offer to fix artwork that does not meet the Apple Podcast specifications for dimensions, color space, and resolution provided the image is large enough and at least 72 DPI. In addition, all issues with the original image will be reported immediately, rather than individually.
Pricing & Upgrades
Feeder 4.3 is a free update for all existing Feeder 4 users. Feeder 4 is $39.99 and is available from Reinvented Software and the Mac App Store. Feeder 3 users can upgrade for $19.99 unless you purchased Feeder 3 in its final year, in which case it is a free upgrade. Upgrades are only available from Reinvented Software, not the Mac App Store. See the Feeder support page for more information about upgrading from Feeder 3. To download a 15-day trial and see a full list of changes, see the Feeder downloads page.