BBC Radio podcasts 20 more shows

From BBC News:

The BBC is making 20 more radio shows available for listeners to download onto their digital music players. […] The programmes which will be made available as podcasts are mainly talk-based to avoid problems over music rights issues.

2 Responses to “BBC Radio podcasts 20 more shows”

  1. ade Says:

    Glad they’re [the BBC} getting on the bandwagon with more confidence now.
    Notice they vaguely mention Virgin (lol!), and both claim to be the ‘first’ to provide this new service.
    Even (US) politicians are considering podcasting (would that be a bit like your Dad dancing to this weeks No.1 chart single in a ‘Middle-Aged-Wedding-Guest’ style?!)
    Note that Ipodder is getting loads of good publicity from this article (and Virgin’s site).

  2. Mike Says:

    A nicely organised list of public radio shows can be found at Rather than just being a disorganised list it is broken out into categories and made easy on the eye, great value!