iTunes Podcast Directory vs. Everything Else

I like Yahoo’s podcasting directory, I think it works well and I was trying to work out why. I guess it comes down to giving listeners more “say” or control over their podcasts that is more in the spirit of podcasting itself, as shown by the likes of Podcast Alley and Odeo. You can rate podcasts, comment on individual shows and add “folksonomy” tags (i.e. chosen by users rather than a predefined list).

One of the biggest ways I’ve long thought iTunes’ podcatching support is “wrong” (lousy show notes aside) when compared to Safari’s RSS support is that while it’s easy to subscribe to a podcast in iTunes, it doesn’t make it easy for you use the iTunes podcast directory with another podcatcher application such as iPodderX or one of the many podcast-aware newsreaders (e.g. NetNewsWire, NewsMac Pro or NewsFire). With Safari you can choose your RSS reader in its RSS preferences and it always respects that – no world domination stuff. 😉

But now, looking at Yahoo’s directory makes me think back again to the way podcasting was prior to iTunes and has shown me what is actually missing from the iTunes Music Store approach at present. It’s the interaction thing, making you feel a part of your favourite podcasts rather than being a layer away. iTunes has its subscription charts (a daily aggregate?) but that’s about it; there’s no way to say how you feel about something after you’ve subscribed.

Of course, it’s early days and competition is always good. 😀

3 Responses to “iTunes Podcast Directory vs. Everything Else”

  1. tagnan Says:

    One of the others you left off of your list is Loomia. They have a recommendations capability in addition to ratings, reviews, and tags. Rate a few things and it will supply a list of channels that might also be of interest.

  2. Steve Harris Says:

    You’re right, Loomia looks superb – not that I was aiming for a full list, but I hadn’t even heard of it.

    Further confirmation that ratings, tags, etc not only works well with podcasting but are actually useful too.

  3. Reinvented Blog » Blog Archive » iTunes Podcast Reviews Says:

    […] I notice iTunes has extended customer reviews in the iTunes Music Store to podcasts in the last couple of weeks (although they didn’t seem to be working at first). This is something I mentioned that I thought was missing before. […]