Keep It Shortcuts Support

Keep It for Mac 1.11.5 adds support for the Shortcuts app introduced in macOS Monterey. The actions Keep It provides to the Shortcuts app are identical to those that have been included with Keep It for iPad and iPhone since version 1.7 on iOS 13, and therefore the same shortcuts can be used on both Mac and iOS.

Keep It provides the following actions to the Shortcuts app. In most cases, expanding the action will show additional options, and return either a Keep It item or list — you can use the properties of those in further actions.

  • Add Files to Keep It: Adds the specified files. Optionally specify a destination, tags, and whether to convert text files to notes. Returns the created items.
  • Add List to Keep It: Add a folder or bundle. Returns the folder or bundle.
  • Add Text to Keep It: Creates a new item from the text. Optionally specify a destination, format, style for the next (notes only), and tags. Returns the new item.
  • Add Web Link to Keep It: Adds a web link. Optionally set a name for the saved web link, choose whether to save it for offline and in what format, the destination and tags. Returns the new item.
  • Append Text to Keep It Item: Append text to a note or editable text item in Keep It. For notes, choose the style of the text to add. Returns the item.
  • Attach Files to Keep It Item: Attach one or more files to a note or editable text item. Returns the item.
  • Find Keep It Bundles: Find bundles by name and / or parent. Returns the bundles.
  • Find Keep It Folders: Find folders by name and / or parent. Returns the folders.
  • Find Keep It Items: Find items by name, filename, comments, source, tags, the presence of attachments, kind, list, label, date added / created / modified, or a range of dates.
  • Find Keep It Labels: Find Keep It labels by name.
  • Get Keep It Item: Get a specific Keep It item, optionally by its item link or identifier. Useful for integrating shortcuts with other automation methods such as AppleScript or x-callback-urls.
  • Get Keep It Label: Get a specific Keep It label, optionally by its identifier or URL. Useful for integrating shortcuts with other automation methods such as AppleScript or x-callback-urls.
  • Get Keep It List: Get a specific Keep It list, optionally by its identifier or URL. Useful for integrating shortcuts with other automation methods such as AppleScript or x-callback-urls.
  • Get Text Content from Keep It Item: Gets the plain text content of any note or editable text item in Keep It.
  • Open Item in Keep It: Opens the specified item in Keep It.
  • Open Keep It List: Opens the specified list in Keep It.
  • Remove Keep It Item: Removes the specified Keep It item either from the library (and to Deleted Items), or from the specified bundle.
  • Set Properties on Keep It Item: Set properties such as name comments, source URL, favorite, tags, bundles, folder, or label on an item.
  • Set Properties on Keep It List: Set properties such as name, parent, or favorite on a list.

Keep It for Mac also provides support for Automator, AppleScript and x-callback-urls for cases where Shortcuts cannot be used.

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