Feeder 1.1 Gets 4 Stars in Macworld UK
Feeder 1.1 got 4 out of 5 stars in Macworld UK‘s WWDC 2005 edition, which is on the shelves now. The review will be available online for subscribers only. Gillian Thomson writes:
When I first tried Feeder I was delighted at the speed and ease in which you can set it up and start publishing RSS feeds…
Only one problem: the accompanying screenshot is of NewsMac Pro from the NewsMac Pro / NetNewsWire joint review below, but there you go. Coincidentally, I came across NewsMac Pro the other day and it looks great. Seems less well-known than the other newsreaders around at the moment so I hope that changes soon.
June 28th, 2005 at 2:12 pm
Woah Macworld didn’t even notify me they reviewed NewsMac Pro! Yay for Google 🙂 Thanks for your nice comment btw, I’ve been using Feeder for the ThinkMac RSS feed for awhile now and I love it 🙂
June 28th, 2005 at 5:03 pm
Congratulations on the review, Rory, it’s a good one, and to be reviewed alongside the institution that is NNW just goes to show how capable and well put together NewsMac Pro really is.
I didn’t realise you were using Feeder – cool! 😀 I actually remember seeing that sale come in and making a mental note to check out thinkmac.co.uk but I was in the throes of Feeder 1.1 at the time and completely forgot. The man has taste, ladies and gentlemen! 😉