Feeder 1.2 / Return to Blog

I released Feeder 1.2 with the new iTunes podcasting features last Friday, a little earlier than planned but it couldn’t come soon enough for most people. The response so far has been overwhelmingly positive.

For the beta testing, I needed the help of people already listed in the iTunes Music Store both to test that the XML was working and to test Feeder’s cool iTunes Preview feature matched iTunes itself. As such I’d like to thank those people who put their listings on the line (I didn’t quite put it like that at the time, did I?) to test out Feeder, namely:

All the links above are to their listings in the iTMS so you can see Feeder’s work in situ, subscribe, enjoy, etc. 😀

Also thanks to Björk for keeping me awake for the last 30-hour stint <rolleyes>. I needed some music that I hadn’t heard in ages and even more I’d never heard at all.

It also should be noted that Sam Ruby and Mark Pilgrim’s work on FeedValidator, posts on Intertwingly and the new Apple Syndication Dev mailing list has been incredibly useful. We know Apple has the questions, all we need now are answers.

Now that mad dash to the finish line is over, I no longer need to obsess over the minutiae of the iTunes RSS specification and I’ve caught up with my sleep, I’m going to be able to post more interesting things on this blog.

Stay tuned!

2 Responses to “Feeder 1.2 / Return to Blog”

  1. Henry Says:

    Thanks so much for finishing this item up.

    I am in the process of updating one feed and creating a new one, both hopefully supporting the itms structure.

    I have been having some issues, but I know I can get to the bottom of it all (with your help of course 🙂

    Your making a great piece of shareware an indispensable piece of software.


  2. Craig Says:

    After trying out another feed creation program I tried out Feeder 1.2 and it worked exactly as I had hoped, so I immediately purchased it!

    I like that it has the iTunes tags and got it working on my new site (i’m new to all of this Podcasting stuff) so it will automatically load right into iTunes 4.9 by using the pcast: code. You can check it out at http://www.zerogenshi.com/

    Thanks for making a great tool!