Feeder Tips & Tricks Feed

I’ve set up a dedicated feed for tips and tricks on using Feeder. You can subscribe to the feed with this URL: http://reinventedsoftware.com/feeder/tips.xml and on the Feeder product page.

Initially the feed contains mostly updated versions of tips that have already been posted (and updated) on this blog. New tips will also be posted on this blog, although they may be in a more blog-friendly style to the content in the tips feed.

Over time these tips will cover all sorts of different areas, from cool features in Feeder you may not know about to help on performing specific tasks and in-depth looks at new functionality as it becomes available.

There are so many different things you can do with Feeder and so many different ways people want to actually achieve these things. Hopefully these tips will cover things the help files could never hope to address.

Feedback is always welcome, as are suggestions for new tips. Either leave a comment on the blog or get in touch. Thanks!

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