Keep It 2.4
Keep It 2.4 is now available for Mac, iPad and iPhone. This version improves the display of notes and editable text items on Mac and iPad, importing and attaching photos and videos, inserting links into Markdown files, removing empty lists, and adds the ability to export bookmarks.

Photos and Videos
On Macs running macOS 13 or later, and on iPad and iPhone, it’s now possible to attach multiple photos and videos from your Photos library to notes and rich text files. On macOS 13 and later, add standalone photos or videos from your Photos library.
Constrain Width in Full Screen on iPad
On iPad, the width of notes, rich text and Markdown files (both editor and preview) can be constrained when the library split view or a separate editing window are made full screen. This option is on by default, but can be disabled for each file type if the old behaviour is preferred. Plain text files can also constrain their width in full screen, but this is off by default.
Markdown Links and Images
When inserting links to items in Markdown files, there is now an option to link to the item’s file (as a relative path) instead of inserting a Keep It-specific item link. It’s now also possible to choose a Keep It item when inserting a link to an image — in that case, the link will always be a relative path to the image file.
Confirmation will no longer be requested before moving empty folders to Deleted Items, or when removing empty bundles, labels or saved searches, but confirmation will always be shown for shared folders. The icon for the Recents list is now green.
And More…
The last-used settings will now be remembered when saving web links. On Mac, the format bars for notes, rich text and Markdown documents is now centred in editing windows. On Mac and iPad, see Quick Look preview for multiple selected items in the list. Set display margins for plain text files. Export a bookmarks HTML file of your web links, preserving the folder structure and any tags.
See the release notes for a full list of changes: