Feeder 2.2

Feeder 2.2 is now available. This version adds support for new iTunes podcasting tags, improves announcements, adds FTP-SSL publishing and faster SFTP uploads.


You can now edit manually posted announcements to Twitter and Facebook. For Twitter, Feeder will shorten the links with bit.ly if you have chosen to do so in Announcement settings. Manually posting to Facebook works similarly, and you can specify the message, link, and choose a specific thumbnail (or none at all).

iTunes Podcasting

Two tags previously only used by iTunesU feeds are now available for general iTunes podcasting feeds, these are itunes:order and itunes:isCloseCaptioned.

The itunes:order tag allows you to specify the order of the episodes as they will appear in iTunes, which will otherwise sort by publication date. In Feeder, this tag will be added automatically based on the ordering of the items in your feed when sorted by Item Number, which can be rearranged as required.

The itunes:complete tag appears in the iTunes Podcasting Info section in Feeder as “Is Complete”. Setting this to Yes will indicate that no more episodes will be added to the podcast, and in the case of iTunes U podcasts will allow all episodes to be downloaded at once.


Along with FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, MobileMe and Amazon S3, Feeder can now publish with FTP-SSL. SFTP uploads are now faster and it’s now possible to skip publishing scheduled feeds at startup by holding on Command-Option.

Intel Only

As announced previously, Feeder is now an Intel only application, but still runs on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. If you are using a PowerPC Mac, do not upgrade to this version. Version 2.1.10 will always be available on the Feeder downloads page.

And More!

There are many more small changes in Feeder 2.2 covering most parts of the application, see the release notes for more details.

Feeder 2.2 costs $39.95 and is a free upgrade for all registered Feeder 2.x users. Upgrades from version 1.x cost $14.95.

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